I cannot believe this theme is not up there on the top three themes on themeforest. I have used many themes including Avada, X theme, enfold, and others but non come close to the flexibility of Striking Multiflex. I can build blogs, stores, corporate sites, landing pages, and just about any type of website I want. The flexibility on this theme is amazing! and the support from the Striking Multiflex community is awesome! 5 Stars from me 🙂
This is a title which has a portion of it which loops so that the title can actually display various messages. The line function is surpressed simply by setting the line color to transparent. If you hover over the loop content it will pause, and you will notice one of the content loops is a hyperlink!
Champion Theme for WordPress
Get the Code!
[title_plus title_text="Champion Theme for Wordpress" marginTop="20" marginBottom="10" textColor="#fff" bgColor="rgba(241,188,188,1)" paddingType="each" paddingTop="0" paddingBottom="0" paddingRight="0" shadowType="shadow-bottom-right" align="center" iconType="icon-home" iconColor="#fff" title_id="title-id-3737" fontSize="30" TEXTREPLACE="true" textToReplace="Theme for Wordpress" textReplaceStyle="flipInX" textreplacewith="Superb Coding!|Excellent Support!|Don't Miss|The Special Offer!|Starting XMas 2016|at the <a href='http://thethemebuilders.com' target='_blank' style='color:yellow'>TheThemebuilders.com</a>" textreplacespeed="25" bgImage="5871" bgPattern="wild_oliva" fontSize="40" colorflip="white" bgcolorflip="rgba(8,70,190,.7)" pauseonhover="true" paddingTopFlip="15" paddingBottomFlip="15" paddingLeftFlip="10" paddingRightFlip="10" textreplacespeed="16" htmlsupport="true"]
This title has a portion which loops once and then stops:
Champion WordPress Theme.
Get the Code!
[text_flip tagType="h3" textToReplace="WordPress Theme." textReplaceWith="= HTML 5 Compatible|Has Superb PHP Coding|= CCS3 Compatible|Uses Minified CSS & Javascript|= PHP7 Compatible|Has Excellent & Fast Support <a style='color:yellow;' target='_blank' href='https://google.com'>Forum</a>" textReplaceStyle="fadeInRight" flipid="textflip-604" fontStyle="bold" bgColorFlip="#0D3063" colorFlip="#ffffff" flipid="textflip-5475" paddingTopFlip="3" paddingBottomFlip="3" paddingLeftFlip="10" paddingRightFlip="10" color="white" bgcolor="#346BC3" paddingTop="0" paddingBottom="0" paddingLeft="10" paddingRight="0" align="leftr" stopAfterLoop="1" pauseOnHover="true" htmlsupport="true"]Champion WordPress Theme.[/text_flip]
This title has some content which endlessly loops:
Email us at : info@yourdomain.com
Get the Code!
[title_plus title_text="Email us at : info@yourdomain.com" textColor="#ffffff" bgColor="#303030" paddingType="grouped" shadowType="shadow-bottom-right" fontSize="20" textReplace="true" textToReplace="info@yourdomain.com" textReplaceWith="support@yourdomain.com|treasury@yourdomain.com|champion@yourdomain.com" textReplaceStyle="fadeInRight" iconType="icon-envelope" iconColor="#ffffff" iconPull="left" iconSpin="true" title_id="title-id-930" textreplacespeed="25" align="left"]
This is a variation of the shortcode with the divider line added and you can see some looping content is highlighted:
The Title is very long and wrapping
Get the Code!
[title_plus title_text="The Title is very long and wrapping" marginTop="20" marginBottom="10" textColor="#fff" bgColor="#fff" paddingType="each" paddingTop="10" paddingBottom="10" paddingRight="10" shadowType="shadow-bottom-right" align="center" lineColor="rgba(250,7,7,1)" thickness="4" iconType="icon-home" iconColor="#fff" title_id="title-id-377" fontSize="30" TEXTREPLACE="true" textToReplace="long and wrapping" textReplaceStyle="flipInX" textreplacewith="short and wrapping|tiny not wrapping|huge and wrapping|modern" textreplacespeed="25" bgImage="5871" bgPattern="wild_oliva" fontSize="40" colorflip="white" bgcolorflip="rgba(250,7,7,.5)" pauseonhover="false" paddingTopFlip="15" paddingBottomFlip="15" paddingLeftFlip="10" paddingRightFlip="10"]