- column (how many columns to show): 2, 3, 4, 5
- number (number of posts to show per page)
- post_type (specific post type to show) (optional)
- taxonomy (specific taxonomy to show) (optional)
- terms (specific category to show) (optional)
- title (whether to display title): true,false
- desc (whether to display description): true,false
- paging (whether to display pagination): true,false
Blog Masonry
[masonry post_type="post" number="6" column="2" desc="true" desc_length="15"]
Carousel built calling a slideshow category in which there is a single slider item that...
If you look at this post on the single post page, as opposed to a...
If you look at this post on the single post page, as opposed to a...
If you look at this post on the single post page, as opposed to a...
If you look at this post on the single post page, as opposed to a...
If you look at this post on the single post page, as opposed to a...
If you look at this post on the single post page, as opposed to a...
Vide choro eos an, utamur fastidii sea ne. An his porro assum vidisse, vis ut...
Eum ornatus praesent laboramus te, lorem nemore suavitate et vim. Quem eripuit consetetur eam no,...
Fusce quis ultrices felis. Nam congue nulla a nisi blandit vitae vestibulum ligula bibendum? Etiam...
Vestibulum in turpis ut mauris imperdiet accumsan. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per...
Sed porttitor auctor magna. Quisque aliquam condimentum neque ac faucibus! Fusce molestie scelerisque elit, sed...
Portfolio Masonry with Specific category
[masonry post_type="portfolio" taxonomy="portfolio_category" terms="Animals,Nature,People" number="6" column="3"]
Portfolio Masonry without title and description
[masonry post_type="portfolio" taxonomy="portfolio_category" terms="Animals,Nature,People" number="6" column="3" title="false" desc="false"]